Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cutie pie

Guess what.. I like someone.. I really like him.. JOSE..Hes so cute.. we've been spending so much time together.. He left for Dbai today.. and i really miss him.. and he called me min ilma6ar before he flew then lama wi9al the hotel dagli hes like the whole flight ive been thinking yala mita o9al.. oo laish moo 3ashan i wana party or go thinking aby adiglich.. what r u doing to me.. and im like aha ok .. ya3ni ga3da atithaigal :P .. we're not together.. i just know he kinda likes me and he knows i kinda like him.. its cute.. and he like if u get a fonecall at at 2 in the morning dont pick up..its gona be a drunk phonecall and im gonna say alot of stuff that im not supposed to.. and i laugh and tell him imbala im gonna pick up.. i wanna hear what ur gonna say when ur not sober.. and hes like no no bil9ij he doesnt drink.. so he was joking

I want to spend the whole weekend at home.. im really tired and need my rest.. Nomti wayid mi3tafsaa it sucks.. aby a3adilha 7ag on a strict strict diet.. i want to lose 6 pounds by the summer..

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