Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ana jalis o mistani 3ala il telefon ta6libni :P

Ilyom 7a6een hal ghniya bil fm 7adi kint min6arba :P .. today was a pretty cool day at work.. khafeef kan and one of my colleagues kan 3eedmilada fa yayib lunch from casper and stuff.. We chilled alot.. not much work.. After work i went out for lunch with 2 guy friends that i used to work with oo wa7da.. It was pretty cool.. We were discussing kil wa7d cham 3omra awal mara kalam.. rifeejti was 17!! oo 6ab3an telefon il bait.. oo ilwa3ad ib "soug sharg" oo khizni wakhizik min ib3eed lay ib3eeed.. Il shabab wa7d 14 wa7d 16 bs 6ab3an they didnt want to share details they were too embarrased. i was around 13 oo kan wiyay in school.. oo kina naktib love notes oo and mushy stuff.. Oo lama kalamta kan ib telefon il bait 6ab3an oo BILQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA9IB rithait.. 9ij il 7al taghayar mashallah 3ala banat il 13 hal yomain.. haha walla ayam..

Anyways ba3dain i went to the gym..then hung out with a few old friends.. It was nice.. Back to work.. Adios

Oo BTW atwaqa3 ma boga ila il walda ma 3indaha blackberry.. AMBAY KILMAN FAJAA!!

1 comment:

PaLoMiNo said...

hi malibu:)
I need to ask u a Q. if u dont mind:)
3adi U give me ur email or U email me? ;p