Saturday, November 22, 2008


I want to cry but i cant

I want to sleep but i cant

I want to go out but i cant

I want to eat but i cant

I feel jilted. Ive lost a person i care about.. rest in peace.

Any suggestions for my sleep deprivation?

i want to scream at the top of my lungs. i really do.


zuz said...

this is my 1st time visitin ur blog, liked it;). we all have our ups and downs, theres no pill to ease it, what u should do is taking all the pain out ALL OF IT, cry cry cry, hurtttttt from all ur heart, and then when its all out, ur still be hurt, but u'll know deep inside that ur ready to let go , after crying take 2 panadol night, and sleeeeppp:P, after sleeping get dressed and go out! o slamtech;)

Malibu beach said...

Thank u sis :) welcome to my blog.. lovely to have u